Soundings: Journeys in the Company of Whales, by Doreen Cunningham

In "Soundings: Journeys in the Company of Whales" Doreen Cunningham shares her personal journeys alongside these majestic creatures. With vivid descriptions and heartfelt narratives, she invites us into the awe-inspiring realm of these gentle giants, sharing moments of intimate connection and profound encounters. From the majestic humpback whales of the Hawaiian Islands to the graceful orcas in the icy waters of the Arctic, Cunningham's encounters with different whale species are truly captivating. "Soundings" is not only an informative account of whale behavior, migration patterns, and conservation efforts, but also a heartfelt tribute to the profound impact these creatures have on our planet and our own souls.

“Whales. Exploration. I’m in! Seeing humpbacks in Alaska when I first went to work aboard a small ship remains one of the biggest thrills of my life (one that I’ve now chased for many years after and in many places). I’ve had similar experiences to Doreen in Baja California as well, and I cannot think of a more eloquent and soulful way to share them as she has. A lovely book and powerful connection to my favorite species.”

~ Marc


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