At Home in the World: Reflections on Belonging While Wandering the Globe by Tsh Oxenreider

At home in the world

Seeking to escape the routine of everyday life, author Tsh Oxenreider and her family embark on a year-long adventure, that spans China to New Zealand, Ethiopia to England, and beyond. From strolling through the vibrant streets of Hong Kong to savoring the tranquility of a French countryside, Oxenreider weaves together vivid moments her family’s exploration, delightful encounters with locals, mouthwatering culinary experiences, and the enchanting beauty of the world.

Through the pages of this memoir, readers are taken on a vicarious adventure, experiencing the jolting rides along bumpy roads, the breathtaking awe in front of cascading waterfalls that seem to touch the edge of the earth, and the whimsical pursuits in narrow, three-foot-wide passageways in the magical city of Venice. Yet, amidst the external voyage, Tsh also embarks on an internal journey—a soul-searching quest that grapples with the profound concept of home.

The world becomes their canvas, and as they immerse themselves in the cultural tapestry of each destination, they unravel the essence of being "at home" in the world. Tsh's introspective exploration takes center stage as she navigates the exhilarating joy of discovery alongside the yearning to belong.


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